Page 123 - Pure Life 34
P. 123
122 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
LOG _ PCR = 0 + LOG _ PDK + 2 LOG _ IPM + u it
Where PCR is the divorce 3. The Lagrange multiplier
rate, PDK is the education (LM) test is used to
level, HDI is the human determine the PLS or REM
development index, i is the model.
individual district, t is the
time period, and u is the error Analysis and Research Findings
term. The data is processed in 1. Description of Research
the logarithmic form to equate Data
the units of the three Jambi is a province in
variables. Indonesia that has a diversity
In panel data regression, of ethnicities, cultures, and
there are three models languages.
namely; the least squares Jambi Province has 11
approach (pooled least squared), regencies/cities that spread
fixed effect approach (fixed from east to west. Even
effect model), and random though it is in the same area,
effect approach (random effect). it has different geographical
Selection of the best model forms, some in the form of
uses three tests, namely: peat, hills, and mountains.
1. The chow test is used to This difference is one of
determine the PLS or FIX the factors underlying the
model differences in the characteristics
of people's lives, although not
2. The Hausman test is too significant in real life.
used to determine the FEM Family divorce is a social
or REM model problem that can disrupt