Page 120 - Pure Life 34
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Effects of Education and Quality of Life … K. Kuswanto et al (119

            suffering       and       poverty         income  wisely  in  meeting
            (Julijanto et al, 2016).                  family needs. (Wahyuni et al,

               Several studies have proven            2021)
            that  there  is  an  effect  of              The  link  between  the
            education  level  on  family              quality  of  life  and  family

            divorce  in  society,  as  was            divorce rates has been proven
            done  by  Rokhmadi  (2018)                in various studies, such as that
            which  states  that  someone              conducted  by  Sari  et  al

            with  a  higher  level  of                (2020), where families with a
            education  is  more  likely  to           better quality of life have less
            avoid  divorce  than  someone             potential for divorce.

            with low education.                          Azis  (2021) in his  research
               Azis  (2021) in his  research          also  stated  that  the  more
            also  stated  that  people  with          people      who      have     high

            higher  education  have  more             incomes,  the  more  cases  of
            potential to maintain marriage            family      divorce     will    be
            than those with low education.            reduced in that community.
            Although education is not the                Jambi  Province  is  one  of

            only  determining  factor  for            the  regions  in  Indonesia  that
            success      in    family      life,      has  a  diversity  of  cultures,
            education  can  increase  a               customs, and religions.

            person's capacity to think, act,             The     people     of    Jambi
            and control his actions toward            province  make  marriage  a
            achieving goals.                          religious ritual and custom in

               Highly educated people not             forming  a  new  family.  Even
            only have the potential to get            so,  the  stipulation  is  that
            jobs  with  high  incomes  but            marriage  is  regulated  based

            are  also  able  to  allocate  this       on  government  regulations  to
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