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            132  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023

               Jambi  Province.  Highly               access  to  the  community  in
               educated people understand             order to have the opportunity
               the law more easily and can            to improve education, namely
               easily solve family problems           through      the    addition    of
               through legal channels.                facilities and infrastructure, as

               2.  There  is  a  negative  and        well as adding other resources.
               significant influence between             The  quality  of  life  of  the
               HDI  on  the  family  divorce          community        is   a    shared

               rate in Jambi Province. The            responsibility, both government,
               higher  the  community's               private,  and  community,  so
               quality  of  life  will  further       synergy  is  needed  to  achieve

               increase  their  capacity  to          this, namely through increased
               manage  family  resources              employment, access to health,
               thereby       reducing       the       and comfort in life.

               potential for divorce.                    It  is  realized  from  the
               3. Simultaneously education            results of this study that there
               and HDI have a significant             are still weaknesses, especially
               effect on family divorce in            the low level of quality of the

               Jambi  Province.  A  better            model  as  a  predictive  tool
               quality  of  life  in  the             because there are many other
               community  and  supported              variables that are not included

               by  higher  education  will            in  this  model  to  explain  the
               further  reduce  the  rate  of         causes  of  the  occurrence  of
               family  divorce  in  Jambi             the  divorce  rate  in  Jambi

               province.                              Province.
                                                         Therefore  it  is  suggested
               Based on the results of this           that research be conducted on

            study,  it  is  suggested  to  the        these various variables.
            government  open  up  greater
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