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            130  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
            their  basic  needs  so  as  to              In household life, awareness
            avoid  problems  that  can  lead          is  needed  to  respect  each
            to divorce in the household.              other's understanding and maintain
               It  takes  a  husband  and             harmony. (Wijayanti, 2021)
            wife's  commitment  to  look                 Divorce  occurs  because  of

            after      each       other      in       the  loss  of  harmony  in  the
            maintaining  the  integrity  of           household, namely the loss of
            the     household       so     that       feelings of a mutual need for

            economic  problems  do  not               one  another.  Marriage  is  like
            trigger     divorce      in     the       a  captain  who  cannot  be
            household. (Prianto et al, 2013)          separated from the challenges

               The  problem  that  often              of waves and storms. In order
            occurs  in  the  household  is            for the captain to keep sailing
            inequality  between  husband              until he reaches his destination,

            and     wife      income.      The        cooperation  and  patience  are
            commitment between the two                needed in wading through it.
            will perpetuate the household                In different cases found by
            relationship  until  the  end  of         Sari et al (2020) in East Java

            their lives.                              and      Central     Java,     the
               In Muslim society, marriage            community's  quality  of  life
            is  a  requirement  in  life  to          did not affect the divorce rate.

            avoid  adultery,  and  form  a            This condition is suspected to
            healthy and lawful family life,           be  due  to  other  factors,  such
            and emphasizes the prohibition            as  a  strong  culture  in  society

            of  separation  and  divorce,             and women who are gentle in
            respecting  individual  rights            avoiding  conflicts  that  occur
            within          the        family.        in the household.

            (Hasanpour, 2019)
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