Page 132 - Pure Life 34
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Effects of Education and Quality of Life … K. Kuswanto et al (131

                5.  The Influence of Education        With  higher  education,  a
                    and Quality of Life on            person  will  get  a  job  more

                    Divorce                           quickly and easily because he
            Based  on  the  results  of  the          has  knowledge  and  skills.
            analysis  using  the  Common              (Wahyuni et al, 2021)

            Effect  model,  education  and               As expressed by Rokhmadi
            HDI variables simultaneously              (2018), quality education will
            have  a  significant  effect  on          have an impact on the level of

            the  family  divorce  rate  in            prosperity  and  progress  in
            Jambi Province.                           building a harmonious, happy,
               This  means  that  the  higher         physically      and      mentally

            the  level  of  public  education         prosperous        family,      and
            and  the  higher  the  HDI,  the          suppressing  the  triggers  for
            less the occurrence of divorce.           divorce.

            A  higher  HDI  will  further
            support the family's ability to           Conclusion
            meet  their  needs,  thereby              Based  on  the  results  of  the
            reducing  the  potential  for             analysis  it  can  be  concluded

            divorce  even though  they  are           that  the  best  model  used  to
            highly  educated  and  able  to           explain the effect of education
            solve family problems through             and  HDI  on  family  divorce

            legal channels.                           rates in Jambi province is the
               Education  will  strengthen            Common Effect.
            one's maturity  and be  able to              Based on this model, it can

            wisely address various family             be concluded that:
            problems.  Education  will  be               1.  There  is  a  positive  and
            used  to strengthen  the  family             significant influence between

            economy through decent work.                 the  level  of  education  on
                                                         the  family  divorce  rate  in
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