Page 160 - Pure Life 34
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Chronicle the Hundred Historical Events … M.Sh. Badra & Z. Shirdel (159

            one     hundred      years,     the          (of the things around him)”.
            conclusion is reached that the               (Kulayni, 1986, Vol. 1: 26)

            Iranian people's discomfort with
            the  American  governments  is               On  the  other  hand,  this
            not due to hatred or abjection;           field  of  jihad  requires  the

            rather, it is a strategic issue:          efforts of the Mujahideen and
               If we want to make a list of           according to Amir al-Mu'minin
               American crimes, it becomes            Ali, it needs insightful eyes:

               a  book.  (Imam  Khamenei,                 “ And  this  banner  will  be
               November 3, 2009)                         borne only by him who is a
                                                         man of sight, of endurance

               This philosophy, shows the                and  of  knowledge  of  the
            correct behavior of the Iranian              position  of  rightfulness…
            people  against  the  American               Do  not  make  haste  in  any
            government  and  while  many                 matter till you have clarified

            governments of the world are                 it”.    (Nahj     al-Balagha,
            dominated  and  can  not  stand              Sermon. 173)
            against  the  American,  a

            divine  man  rises  up  in  a                So, the confrontation between
            corner      of     history     and        Iran  and  the  America  is  a
            introduces  the  nature  of  this         dignified       and       bilateral

            entity.  (Ref:  Ibid,  Software,          confrontation; especially after
            Vol. 10: 516)                             the martyrdom of the national
               Imam Sadiq says:                       hero  of  Iranian’s,  Martyr

                “ The  person  who  is  fully         Qasem Soleimani.
               aware of the time in which                A confrontation that, according
               he  is  living,  will  never  be       to    the    search     for    the
               overcome with bewilderment             governing goals, can be called
                                                      the  “twilight”  relationship  or
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