Page 163 - Pure Life 34
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            162  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
               According  to  the  Quranic               Another  issue  is  that  the
            verses,  which  draws  the                logic     of    the     resistance
            outline       the      rule      of       economy  is  the  result  of
            confrontation with the enemy              active resistance, which makes
            with  emphasis  on  “rage”  and           the Islamic system able to put

            “hardness”  and  the  rule  of            itself  on  the  path  of  progress
            “Nafye  Sabil”  (It  means                without fearing the consequences
            Rejection of Foreign Influence),          of    sanctions      and     other

            (Quran, 3: 100,118-120,149-150;           American strategies.
            etc)  one  cannot  be  optimistic            Also,  due  to  the  series  of
            in  such  a  confrontation;               oppressions  that  came  from

            Rather, it is necessary to rely           America,  the  Iranian  nation
            on  God  and  to  observe  the            can  pursue  their  rights  in  the
            sanctum of God, (Quran, 3: 160;           international law system.

            etc) which makes him victorious              On the other hand, the key
            by  deny  the  “Estherhab”  and           to  the  success  of  the  Iranian
            not being afraid of the enemy             revolution           in        the
            and        confronting        him,        contemporary  world,  is  its

            according to this phrase: “Do             due  to  trust  on  God,  its
            not be the slave of others for            reliance  on  the  teachings  of
            Allah  had  made  you  free”:             Islam,  its  being  popular  and

            (Nahj al-Balagha, Letter. 31)             its    belief     in     Peaceful
               “And be not slack so as to             coexistence, which creates the
               cry for peace and you have             logic  of  resistance  in  the

               the  upper  hand,  and  Allah          international     law     system,
               is with you, and He will not           (Badra, 2022: 198) and in the
               bring     your     deeds      to       words  of  one  of  the  planners

               naught”. (Quran, 47: 35)               of sanctions in the America:
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