Page 162 - Pure Life 34
P. 162
Chronicle the Hundred Historical Events … M.Sh. Badra & Z. Shirdel (161
same as adhering to the way In addition, in accordance
of pure Islam: (Ref: Quran, with the rules of politics and
32: 9) the mores of international
“Be an enemy of the law, when relations between
oppressor and helper of the the two currents deviate from
oppressed”. (Nahj al-Balagha, normal, the litigant must
Letter. 47) compensate for the pressures
created. However, in the
The basis of this logic of relations between Iran and the
Imam Hussein, before the American entity, despite many
event of Ashura and during oppressions, it was still the
the forced “Bay'ah” of Yazid, Americans who severed their
has been stated as follows: political relations with the
“Someone like me does not government of Iran, which
“Bay'ah” to someone like was one of their supporters.
Yazid”. (Ibn Tawus, 1996: 22) During the so-called “JCPA”
Here the logic of the negotiations, the same breaking
religion of Islam is revealed a covenant of the American
that in the confrontation of entity was repeated, which
“Truth and Void”, one cannot indicates the words of the
enter out of reconciliation and Holy Prophet:
toadyism and from the “A believer is not stung
presumption of relativity and twice (by something) out of
the simultaneous acceptance one and the same hole”.
of part of truth and part of (Ibn Hanbal, 1995, Vol. 2: 379)