Page 30 - Pure Life 34
P. 30

Allamah Misbah’s Puzzle … M. Legenhausen (29

            Kanzian and Legenhausen, 2010;            being  two  instances  of  the
            Quoted by: Misbah Yazdi)                  same      species,    but     with

               His  criticism  raises  a              accidental differences.
            number  of  issues  in  the                  This much is uncontroversial;
            philosophy of mind, metaphysics,          However,  Sohravardi  also

            and  Islamic  theology.  Based            held  that  things  might  be
            on this. two kinds of defense             different,  like  two  beams  of
            will  be  suggested:  First,  we          light,     where      the     only

            can  surmise  from  Sadra’s               difference  between  them  is  a
            works  how  he  might  have               difference  in  the  intensity  of
            responded  to  the  criticism;            the lights.

            Second, we can consider how                  Mulla  Sadra  applied  this
            a  position  like  Sadra’s  could         idea  to  existence.  Things
            be  defended  in  view  of                could differ with regard to the

            contemporary philosophy.                  varying  intensities  of  their
                                                      existence. Furthermore, changes
            Theoretical  Foundations  of              in the accidents of a substance
            Research                                  could  be  explained  as  due  to

            Sohravardi (d. 1191) is known             changes in the intensity of the
            to  be  the  source  for  Mulla           existence  of  the  substance  in
            Sadra’s  idea  of  the  variable          one respect or another.

            intensity  of  being,  “Tashkik              When a substance becomes
            Wujud”. According to him, if              more  perfect,  Mulla  Sadra
            two      things     differ,     the       suggested,  this  change  is  a

            difference  might  be  due  to            reflection of an increase in the
            their    being     of    different        intensity  of  the  existence  of
            species  and  genus,  or  having          the  substance.  Changes  in  a
            the  same  genus,  but  being  of         substance might occur through

            different  species,  or  due  to
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