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            34  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
            gradually until it is no longer              ascending angle [perfecting
            inseperable from the body.                   substantial motion]?
               His efforts are to allow for
            the     generation       of     the          The answer to this question
            Neoplatonist immaterial immortal          is not clear from the writings

            soul  from  the  Aristotelian             of Mulla Sadra. There are two
            corporeal entelechy; even goes            possibilities:
            so far as to chide Ibn Sina for              First, we could say that the

            treating  the  Theology  of               ascending  motion  starts  at
            Aristotle  as  if  it  had  been          some  specific  point,  that  is,
            written by Plato. (Mulla Sadra,           one  part  of  the  motion  is

            1981: 144)                                constant, and then at a certain
                                                      point it begins to ascend.
               It is in regard to the instant
            of  the  generation  of  the  soul           Second,  that  the  ascending

            as  corporeal  entelechy  and             motion  was  there  from  the
            spirit  that  Allamah  Misbah             start,  that  is,  that  there  is  no
            poses his question:                       specific  point,  but  from  the
               Whether  there  is a definite          very  first  there  is  a  curved

               point  at  which  [material            line,  although  until  now  the
               substance]  is  transformed            curvature was not perceptible
               into  a  human  spirit.  If  we        and we did not notice it.

               want  to  picture  this,  is  it          If  it  is  said  that  this
               the case that the substance            perfecting  motion  does  not
               continues in a straight line           start  at  any  definite  moment,

               [mere  persistence  through            but  has  a  long  history  for
               time]  and  then  at  some             which no starting point can be
               point  shoots  off  at  an             found,  then  the  question  will
                                                      be raised as to how to justify

                                                      the temporal coming to be of
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