Page 56 - Pure Life 34
P. 56

Allamah Misbah’s Puzzle … M. Legenhausen (55

            gains in logical acumen if the            Acknowledgment
            necessary  arguments  were  to            This paper is dedicated to the

            be worked out in detail. This             pure soul of of my late master,
            does  not  mean  that  this               Allameh Misbah Yazdi, whom
            strategy  is  the  one  that  will        I  learned  many scientific  and

            most      likely     be     found         spiritual benefits from him.
               At  the  same  time,  there

            remains the question of which
            strategy would have appealed
            to Mulla Sadra, if he were to

            consider  Allamah  Misbah’s
            dilemma. Here, I am inclined
            to  think  that  he  would  have

            endorsed  the  strategy  of
            taking  on  the  second  horn,
            because this fits best with his

               I  am  sure  that  Allamah
            Misbah would be able to raise
            difficulties  with  each  of  the

            three  strategies  that  I  have
            proposed  here  and  that  his
            keen  insights  would  have

            revealed      aspects    of     the
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