Page 52 - Pure Life 34
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Allamah Misbah’s Puzzle … M. Legenhausen (51

            lacks, namely being definitely            by  using  “sftv’s”,  artificially
            identical to “a”.                         high  precision  is  imposed  on

               In  response,  Mulla  Sadra            the  interpretation  of  fuzzy
            might have made use of fuzzy              predicates     and     sentences,
            identity  theory,  had  it  been          since  it  must  be  specified

            available; although this is not           exactly how true they are.
            the only way in which Evans’                 One      solution     to    the
            view  has  been  countered.               problem  favored  by  Smith  is

            (Ref:  Akiba  and  Abasnezhad,            fuzzy  plurivaluationism,  could
            2014; Bacon, 2018; Parsons, 2000)         be     applied      to    identity
               There  are  several  ways  to          statements to  allow for fuzzy

            approach fuzzy identity. First,           identity,      when       identity
            identity  could be viewed like            statements      need     not    be
            any other two-place predicate             definitely true or false, but are

            which will be used in formula             to  be  interpreted  by  not  just
            that  do  not  need  to  have  a          one  value  between  0  and  1,
            specific truth value. The truth           but  by  a  plurality  of  models
            value  could  be  given  as  a            that  use  “sftv’s”,  subject  to

            value between 0 and 1, which              various constraints.
            Smith  calls  standard  fuzzy                In  two  valued  logic,  and  a
            logic  truth  values,  “sftv’s”.          semantics in which “v” is the

            (Ref: Smith, Vol. 3: 2015)                function     that     gives    the
               There  are,  however,  a               semantic      value      of    the
            number  of  other  ways  to               constants in the object language,

            assign      values     that     are       a statement of the form “Rab”
            surveyed  by  Smith  in  his              will be true if and only if the
            review  of  how  to  tackle  the          pair  consisting  of  the  pair

            objection  to  fuzzy  logic  that
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