Page 77 - Pure Life 34
P. 77
76 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
In his early philosophical It no longer sees objects as
thinking, he sees art as filling mere tools for satisfying
with a non-daily gaze and needs. Art extracts objects
reaching a transcendent and from nature and transcends
supramundane perspective, and their mere existence.
he believes that art cannot be In this approach, art becomes
apprehended through the usual a particular way of looking at
way of looking. the world, a manifestation of
a perspective that separates
C. Eternal Perspective the object from the actual
The ambiguity regarding the world and aligns it with the
relationship between aesthetics harmony and coherence of the
and ethics in Wittgenstein's entire universe. When objects
work directs interpreters to follow this path, they attain
carefully examine his views, excellence and acquire artistic
particularly in his earlier and aesthetic values; Otherwise:
works and notes. In his notes, Without art, an object is a
Wittgenstein considers ethics mere piece of nature like
and aesthetics as a particular any other piece.
mode of perceiving the world (Wittgenstein, 1998: 7)
and objects from an eternal
perspective. The artist blurs the boundary
He regards understanding between the actual and the
an object as a condition for artistic by removing the object
art, which entails a different from its ordinary context and
perspective that goes beyond transforming it to resemble art.
the conventional understanding They select an artifact and, by
of the object in terms of its looking beyond its spatial and
temporal and spatial aspects. temporal aspects, endow it with