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102  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
            weakness,  because  all  his              and  hope  whereby  at  every
            limbs  and  organs,  as  well  as         moment  of  his  life,  he
            their  usage  which  are  God's           experiences      the    fear     of
            blessings,  are  in  gratitude  to        shortcoming and hope for the
            divine  independent  being.               mercy  and  forgiveness  of the

            (Jawad Amoli, 2000)                       Almighty.
               Such  a  stage  becomes                   A  person  who  realizes  the
            possible  when  a  person  pays           sheer  poverty  of  his  own

            attention  to  the  poverty  and          nature will never boasts of his
            weakness       nature     of    the       good  deeds  and  obedience,
            essence of creatures, including           and  will  not  also  despair  in

            humans,  and  whatever  is                seeking       the     Almighty’s
            given  to  him  being  a  divine          forgiveness and mercy for his
            blessing. This makes him feel             sins.  This  is  because  the

            the  need  to  be  grateful  to           nature of his reality is nothing
            divine  independent  being  in            but  poverty  and  neediness,
            all aspects of his life.                  and he does not see himself as
                                                      worthy of all God's grace and
                4.  Reaching  the  Peak  of           love. (Misbah Yazdi, 2001)
                    Fear and Hope
            Believe  in  the  sheer  poverty              5.  State of Supplication

            and  incapacity  of  other  than          State    of    supplication      is
            Allah,  and  that  nothing  can           considered to be the cause of
            harm  or  benefit  a  being               human  happiness  in  this

            without  the  command  of  the            world  and  the  hereafter;
            Almighty; such a belief leads             However, as long as a person
            a  person  to  the  peak  of  fear        has  an  independent  view  of
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