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            98  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            to the cause. This analysis of            ultimate  goal  of  which  is
            the  reality  of  an  effect,  like       nearness to God.
            some  philosophical  issues,                 The     ultimate     goal    of
            plays  a  fundamental  role  in           morality in the ethical system
            explaining  and  proving  some            of Islam is to get closer to the

            ethical issues.                           source  of  existence  and
                                                      perfection,      and     to     be
            Teleology  of  Ethics  and                connected  to  divine  morality.
            God’s Proximity                           The  primary  and  secondary

            The  phenomenon  of  nature               goals that are mentioned in it
            (khulq)  is  the  same  as  a             are  subordinate  to  the  main

            psychical habit through which             and ultimate goal.
            easy  actions  come  out  of  the            Proximity  means  nearness
            self  without  a  forethought.            and it is divided into physical
            (Ibn      Miskawayh,        2007;         proximity,  which  is  spatial

            Tabataba'i, 1974; Saliba, 2002)           and  temporal  proximity,  and
               This     habit,    from      the       spiritual proximity, which itself
            perspective  of  transcendent             is  of  two  types:  Quidditive

            wisdom,  is  an  existential  and         proximity      and     existential
            perfect attribute (Sadr ad-Din            proximity.  A  being  that  has
            Shirazi,  1981)  that  plays  a           no  quiddity  and  limit  cannot

            role      in     the     creation,        be    attributed     to    spatial,
            development, and structure of             temporal and material proximity.
            human       reality.   That     is,          In  addition,  spatial  and

            whatever a person does, he is             temporal proximity is realized
            indeed creating his own truth,            when  two  physical  beings
            (Javadi  Amoli,  2008)  the
                                                      exist,  while  the  necessary
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