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            30  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            person  chooses  to  worship                 Looking  at  the  above
            God,  the  divine  law  will              points,  in  this  research,  we
            determine  the  criteria  of              will  talk  about  the  juridical-
            human freedom.                            legal  meaning  of  the  word
               Based       on     this,     the       freedom whose effect appears

            acceptance  of  theism  or                in  social  actions  from  the
            materialism  will  play  an               perspective  of  the  Infallible
            essential  role  in  determining          imams school.

            the criteria for the next human              Now  that  the  scope  of  the
            choices.  If  a  person  chooses          meaning of freedom has been
            to  worship  God,  the  divine            reduced,  in  this  context,  the

            law will determine the criteria           following definitions can be stated:
            of human freedom.
                                                      -  Special  Legal  Dignity
            C:  The  Difference  of  Time             against Slavery

            and Space                                 In societies where the law of
            The difference and change in              slavery prevailed, the definition
            time  and  place  causes  the             of     freedom      was      fluid;

            change of human attitude and              Therefore,  it  has  been  said
            the formation of new thoughts             that  wherever  there  was  a
            and  questions;  Therefore,               tradition  of  slavery,  the

            many  values  change;  It  is             definition of freedom does not
            natural  that  these  changes             cause  a  problem.  In  these
            affect     the    definition     of       conditions,  freedom  was  the

            freedom.  A  brief  look  at  the         legal dignity of free people in
            history of ideas in societies is          front  of  slaves.  (Rosenthal,
            a clear proof of this claim.              1960: 17-18)
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