Page 34 - Pure Life 35
P. 34

The Realm of Freedom… A. Mirzaei and S.H. Abedian (33

               many  of  the  creatures  We           rights.
               have created”. (Quran, 17: 70)            In    this     regard,     God
               “We  have  shown  him  the             addressed  the  human  kind  in
               way, whether he is grateful            the  Quran,  explained  the

               or ungrateful”. (Quran, 76: 3)         inherent dignity and superiority

               Divine  laws  have  been               of  human  beings  over  other

            legislated  to  protect  and              creatures, and God considered
            actualize  and  perfect  these            human  beings  equal  in  the
            powers  in  order  to  prevent            advantage  of  dignity.  (Ref:

            evil     manifestations        and        Quran, 17: 70)
            decorations      that    are    an           With  this  equality,  it
            obstacle on the way to human              guarantees  the  freedom  of

            happiness.  This  is  what  is            people and rejects any kind of
            known  as  positive  freedom              individual  superiority  over
            today.                                    other people.
               Almighty God created man                  A  tradition  in  this  regard

            in such a way that he should              says:
            accept  responsibility  for  his             “No one has an advantage
            thoughts, speech and behavior,               or superiority over another

            the    requirement       of    this          except     through      piety”.
            responsibility is that man has               (Kulayni, 2008)
            the  right  to  choose  and                  Imam  Sadiq  answered  a

            freedom  of  action  so  that  he         person  who  asked  about  the
            can take responsibility for the           quality  of  using  Baitul-Mal,
            chosen options and be able to             saying:

            defend himself and protect his
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