Page 32 - Pure Life 35
P. 32

The Realm of Freedom… A. Mirzaei and S.H. Abedian (31

               This  meaning  is  the  first             people are people who fight
            definition       presented       in          against  the  obstacles  that

            Islamic jurisprudence and has                are in front of their growth
            been  employed  since  the                   and development. (Motahari,
            beginning  of  Islam  until                  1982: 10)

            modern times. It is considered
            in jurisprudential and Islamic            - Facilitating the Conditions
            sources from the beginning of             for the Flourishing of Talents

            the formation of jurisprudence            Ayatollah  Sobhani  writes  in
            until  now.  All  topics  related         the definition of freedom:
            to  slaves  in  jurisprudence                Freedom  is  providing  the

            have the same meaning.                       conditions        for       the
                                                         flourishing of talents; Every
               Therefore, the definition of
            freedom  was  easy  in  the                  person  is  created  with  a

            beginning;  But  with  the                   special  talent  and  ability.
            opening  of  new  angles,  and               Talents  do  not  flourish  in
            the  presentation  of  different             every  situation  but  show
            definitions to respond to those              themselves       in     special

            different dimensions, it became              circumstances.       (Sobhani,
            difficult to understand freedom.             2005: 42-43)

                                                      - Submission of the Individual
            -  Absence  of  Obstacles  in
            the Path of Growth                        to the Higher Law
            Shahid  Motahari  says  in  the           Some  others  have  introduced

            definition of freedom:                    freedom  as  the  meaning  of
               Freedom         means        the       harmony with the higher law
               absence  of  obstacles.  Free          and  acceptance  of  the  divine
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