Page 82 - Pure Life 35
P. 82

The Nature of Experiencing of Returning… S. Mohammadsadeghipour et al (81

            their  wrong  deeds.  They                The  world  after  death,  the
            believed that a life full of sins         Day      of     Counting       and
            and mistakes and seeing ugly              Doomsday        (the    Day      of

            deeds  at  the  time  of  being           Resurrection) are real and true
            confronted  with  the  non-               for all people.
            returnable  point  had  caused               Also, many NDErs referred

            them to become very anxious               to the intercession as the most
            and  by  begging  and  pleading           important  factor  in  returning
            with God to compensate their              to  their  bodies.  One  of  the

            sinful deeds; so they asked to            important  differences  as  the
            return to their bodies.                   nature  of  returning  to  their
               In  some  other  cases,  also,         bodies  is  the  intercession
            some NDErs believed that the              theme      that     distinguishes

            reason for their return was to            Iranians from other nationalities.
            finish  an  unfinished  mission           Although in samples of other
            and this mission could be the             countries,  intercessions  have

            child  raising  that  existed  at         been  referred  to,  among
            that time of life or it could be          Iranian  NDErs,  the  qualities
            a  child  that  was  supposed  to         and  spiritual  beliefs  were

            be born.                                  inferred  from  Shi'a  religion,
               Ring (2000) and Van Lommel             and  believing  in  innocent
            (2011) research findings confirmed        Imams, Iranian NDEs pertain

            and reported similar incidents.           different nature in comparison
            Even  some  NDErs  expressed              to other world’s NDEs.
            that their mission was to send
            the     message        that     the

            immaterial  world  was  real.
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