Page 80 - Pure Life 35
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The Nature of Experiencing of Returning… S. Mohammadsadeghipour et al (79

            Conclusion                                this  point  as  a  door,  a  gate
            Clinical  death  is  different            way,  a  window,  a  line,  or  a
            from  biological  death  or               wall.

            physiological        death.      In          This      finding      is     in
            clinical    death,     after    the       concordance with the findings
            clinicians’  verifications  of            of Morse (1994), Holden et al

            death  and  after  implementing           (2009), Long and Perry (2011),
            specific  aids  the  person  may          Ghasemiannejad et al (2014),
            return     to    life;   But     in       and Pederzoli et al (2021).

            physiological death, the death               Some      of     the    NDErs
            signs would be permanent and              claimed  that  they  had  no
            non-returnable;  So,  the  death          disposition to return; But they
            can be claimed as definite.               stated  that  in  a  variety  of

               NDE is one of  those kinds             ways       they      had      been
            of deaths that does not happen            confronted      with     different
            completely and the experiencer            problems and issues and they

            after  passing  through  some             decided  to  return  to  the
            stages, returns to life. People,          material  world.  Greyson  and
            of course, experience different           Stevenson (1980), Pederzoliet

            things yet similar in nature.             et al (2021), and King (2022)
               In  the  present  research  the        have also mentioned this matter.
            statements  of  the  Iranian                 Some  of  the  NDErs  stated

            NDErs  showed  that  in  NDE              that they returned to the world
            they  eventually  reached  to  a          by receiving a command. The
            point that where had to pass a            order  was  from  one  of  the
            line  that  is  called  a  non-           deceased  parents  that  the

            returnable point. They described          NDErs       had     met    during
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