Page 84 - Pure Life 35
P. 84

The Nature of Experiencing of Returning… S. Mohammadsadeghipour et al (83

               The  other  limitation  was            Acknowledgment:
            the    relative    time     lapses        The  authors  would  like  to
            between  the  NDErs’  real                thank      all     those      who

            incidents,  the  TV  interview            contributed  to  this  PhD
            times,  and  conducting  of  the          Thesis,  including  those  who
            research.  These  may  have               participated  in  the  Life  After

            caused some of the NDErs to               Life  TV  series  and  gave
            have  forgotten  the  details  of         permission      to    use     their
            their experiences.                        interviews;  also,  Dr.  Afsaneh

               Thus,  it  is  suggested  to           Towhidi,  (Associate  Prof.  in
            conduct  other  research  with            Department  of  Psychology,
            much  closer  time  lapses                Shahid Bahonar University of
            between       what      happened          Kerman),  who  edited  the

            before and participating in the           article,  and  Hamid  Balochi,
            research  interviews.  Meeting            (PhD student in philosophy of
            this  demand  could  give  more           education,  Shahid  Bahonar

            accurate results and would fill           University  of  Kerman)  who
            the gaps that may exist in the            conducted  qualitative  data
            present research.                         analysis.
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