Page 92 - Pure Life 35
P. 92

Implications of the Divine Ethics … S. Ibrahim & M.M. Gorjian Arabi (91

               Lastly,  the  present  article            Philosophers before Mir Damad
            aims to investigate the impact            referred  to  the  copulative

            and  implications  of  believing          existence  in  the  form  of  a
            in the copulative existence of            homonym with two meanings;
            effect  in  the  explanation  and         one  means  literal  existence
            study of divine ethical issues.           and the other means predicate

               Therefore,  we  can  ask  the          existence  and  the  distinction
            main question of the research             between  these  two  terms  is
            thus: What are the implications           achieved  according  to  the

            of the copulative existence in            cases of usage.
            divine ethics according to the               Existence  is  divided  into
            transcendent wisdom of Sadra?             Existence        in-itself     and

                                                      Existence-for  something  else,
            Theoretical Foundations and               and  Existence  in-itself  is
            Research Background                       divided into Existence for-itself
                1.  Copulative Existence              and  Existence-for  something

            The  concept  of  existence  is           else; However, Mir Damad in
            exempted from definition since            his book “Afaq al-Mubin”, to
            its  reality  is  the  same  as           avoid      the      fallacy     of

            objective reality and externality         homonym,  has  distinguished
            that  can  only  be  understood           between these two terms, and
            and  known  through  mystical             for the first time, he used the

            discovery and intuition; Of course,       term  copulative  for  existence
            the human mind abstracts the              in-itself  for  something  else
            concept of existence from that            and forged the term relational

            reality  which  is  divided  into         for  existence  in-something
            independent and copulative.
                                                      else. (Mir Damad, 2006)
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