Page 94 - Pure Life 35
P. 94

Implications of the Divine Ethics … S. Ibrahim & M.M. Gorjian Arabi (93

               -  The  second  meaning  of               initiatives  of  Mulla  Sadra
               copulative  existence  is  a              which  is  the  opposite  of

               technical  term  used  in                 true  independent  existence
               transcendent  wisdom  for                 or  the  essence  of  the
               other  than  the  Almighty                Almighty.  The  meaning  of
               Exalted  be  He;  And  the                copulative existence in this

               meaning  of  this  is  that  the          research  is  of  this  second
               effect  is  connected  to  its            meaning.

               superfluous      cause,      the           2.  Divine Ethics
               connector.  Rather,  it  is  a         Divine  ethics  which  is  the
               sheer  relationship  that  has         most  basic  and  important
               no     independent       status.       relationship  of  man,  is  the

               Therefore,  the  existence  of         type  of  ethical  issue  that
               an  effect,  in  itself,  is  the      expresses  the  relationship
               sheer  relationship  of  its           between  man  and  God;  The

               complete  efficient  cause,
               and  its  relation  to  its            fact that the realization of the
                                                      reality  of  man  is  nothing  but
               superfluous  cause  is  an
               illuminative  relation  which          poverty and sheer dependency,
                                                      and  it  is  necessary  that  man
               is    towards      the    Self-
               subsisting  One,  and  that  is        needs  the  emanations  of
                                                      divine  independent  existence
               the  existence  of  its  cause.
                                                      from moment to moment.
               (Sadr ad-Din Shirazi, 1981;               On  the  other  hand,  the
               Hasanzadeh  Amoli,  1999)
               This     interpretation     and        divine ethics that is discussed
                                                      in  Mulla  Sadra's  philosophy,
               meaning  of  the  reality  of
               effect  is  one  of  the               is the same divine ethics.
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