Page 142 - Pure Life 36
P. 142

The Impact of Mysticism… V. Solano-Urrutia et al (141

            imperialism, self-love, worldly           Theoretical Foundations and

            passions, and moral slavery.              Research Background
               The  fusion  of  mysticism             In  the  Islamic  tradition,
            and  politics  inspired  a  social        mysticism could be defined as
            awakening  that  sought  to               interior knowledge and awakening

            establish a divine order in the           experience. Some philosophers,
            governance  of  the  Islamic              especially  from  the  Persian
            Republic of Iran.                         context,  have  used  the  term

               Imam  Khomeini’s  life  and            Ahl-e  Ma’rifa  to  refer  to  the
            legacy  were  devoted  to                 people        of       (mystical)
            fulfilling these individual and           knowledge  as  the  seekers  on

            collective      dimensions       of       this path. (Amoli, 2010)
            spiritual  journeys,  and  the               This  knowledge,  which
            Islamic  Revolution  was  the             may appear concealed to most

            pinnacle of such aim.                     people,  also  refers  to  a
               Based  on  this,  this  article        knowledge       of    the    Holy
            will  point  to  establishing  the        Essence  and  its  Names,
            connections       between       the       Attributes, and Manifestations.

            dimensions  of  politics  and             (Ali & Mustafa, 2023: 109)
            mysticism,  arguing  whether                 On  the  other  hand,  during
            the Islamic Revolution can be             the  16th  Century,  Mulla

            analyzed  through  its  spiritual         Sadra,  one  of  the  most
            undertone,  and  asking  what             important Muslim philosophers
            impacts  this  element  had  on           of  all  times,  wrote  The

            the institutions of the Islamic           Transcendent  Theosophy  in
            Republic.                                 the  Four  Journeys  of  the
                                                      Intellect,  a  dense  treatise
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