Page 146 - Pure Life 36
P. 146

The Impact of Mysticism… V. Solano-Urrutia et al (145

               “O you who believe! Obey               transcends physical movement,
               God       and      obey      the       encompassing  the  stages  of

               Messenger  and  those  in              both  exoteric  and  esoteric
               authority  among  you.  And            interpretation  and  descent  of
               if    you     differ    among          the soul. (Mora, 2011)

               yourselves  concerning  any               According to Imam Khomeini,
               matter, refer it to God and            prayer,  this  ascension  to  the
               the  Messenger,  if  you               mysticism and journey of the

               believe in God and the Last            lovers, is the way to reach this
               Day”. (Qur’an, 4: 59)                  destination. (Imam Khomeini,
                                                      2009: 14-15)
            1. Internal Revolution of the                This  does  not  imply  that
            Hearts                                    the  outward  act  of  prayer
            Other important contributions             itself       is       excessively
            of  Imam  Khomeini  were  the             challenging;        rather,     he

            conceptualization        of    the        highlights  that  the  inner
            Islamic  prayer  and  the  heart          disposition  of  the  mystic,
            as  epicenters  of  the  spiritual        characterized by attentiveness,

            awakening  of  the  believer  in          concentration,  and  sincerity,
            the  process  of  wayfaring.  A           is     arduous       to     attain.
            well-known  tradition,  which             Therefore,  prayer,  as  well  as

            Imam  Khomeini  refers  to,               all  human  actions,  require  a
            affirms  that  prayer  is  the            state  of  preparedness  and
            ascension  of  the  pious.                disposition in the heart, which

            (Imam Khomeini, 2009: 7)                  is God’s dwell.
               As  Ibn  Arabi  explains,                 In  addition  to  this,  it  is
            prayer  is  a  journey  that
                                                      crucial      to     note       that
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