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            154   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            simple  and  modest  lifestyle            reforming existing institutions
            was  remarkable,  considering             and        implementing           a
            his  position  as  the  Supreme           comprehensive ethical program
            Leader       of     a    growing          that     aligned      with     the
            superpower in West Asia and               principles  of  the  Islamic

            the        administrator         of       Republic.
            substantial  religious  funds.               This       program         was
            His  family  home  remained               exemplified  by  the  Imam

            unchanged,  and  he  contented            himself, his family, and close
            himself  with  simple  meals,             associates, and it served as a
            devoting much of his time to              model  for  the  officers  of  the

            studying  and  reciting  the              Islamic  Republic  to  follow,
            Qur’an.                                   embodying  values  such  as
               He opted for less expensive            modesty,       humility,       and

            shoes and would cover half a              detachment  from  worldly
            glass of water with a piece of            possessions.
            paper  to  keep  it  clean  and              Imam  Khomeini  held  a
            save  it  for  later.  (Ref:              strong  conviction  that  the

            Imam Khomeini, 2003b: 16)                 transformation       of    society
               Unfortunately,             such        should be achieved gradually
            examples  were  not  widely               and  through  comprehensive

            followed by most government               means,  which  encompassed
            officials  at  various  levels  of        the  establishment  of  resolute
            the     Republic’s      structure.        institutions and the promotion

            (Siddiqui, 1996)                          of religious-based education.
               Imam Khomeini consistently                In     this    context,     the
            stressed  the  importance  of             revitalization of Islamic social
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