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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Serial Number. 4, Autumn. 2023, 57-80

            A Critical Approach to Human Position in the Universe from  the
            Perspectives of Deepak Chopra  Based on  Mulla Sadra's Thoughts

            Dr. Hamzeh Ali Islaminasab , Dr. Hamid Moridian        2

            1. Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Philosophy and Ethics, Baqir al-Olum University,
            Qom, Iran (Corresponding Author)

            2. Assistant Prof. in Department of Islamic Education, Shahid Rajaei Campus, Farhangian University,
            Semnan, Iran,

           ARTICLE INFO          ABSTRACT

           Article History:         SUBJECT & OBJECTIVES: The emergent spiritualities have a special
           Received: 2 8   J u l y   2 0 2 3    and new look at man and his relationship with the Almighty God,
           Revised: 18 September 2023   leading to humanism in some cases. Deepak Chopra believes man
           Accepted: 23 October 2023   has a lot of ability due to his mind and he can know God without
                                    the  need  for  divine  religions.  He  can  also  behave  like  God  and
           Key Words:
                                    participate in the creation of the Universe with the Almighty God
                                    and  control  the  material  world  and  the  universe.  On  the  other
                                    hand,  Mulla  Sadra  considers  all  human  abilities  to  be related  to
           Human Position           his  Nafs  (soul),  which  can  possess  abilities  and  dominate
                                    existence if connected to God Almighty.
           Transcendental Wisdom
                                    METHOD & FINDING: This article is a critical research answering
           Ayurvedic Mysticism      the  question  of  what  the  position  of  humans  in  the  universe  is.
                                    The  findings  of  the  research  show  that  Chopra  imagined  that
           Deepak Chopra            divine  religions  were  created  to  nurture  and  develop  human

           DOI:                     abilities, especially the physical type; While the purpose of divine
           10.22034/imjpl.2023.16048.1100   religions is the spiritual evolution of man.

                                    CONCLUSION:  Using  the  qualitative  method  in  the  analysis  of
           20.1001.1.26767619.2023.    Chopra's writings based on Mulla Sadra's views, we can draw the

                                    following  conclusion:  Although  man  is  composed  of  two

                                    domains, Nafs (soul) and the body, his most important domain is
                                    his  soul,  for  which,  although  man  has  abilities,  his  abilities  are

                                    due to his connection to the Almighty God.

           * Corresponding Author:              Article Address Published on the Journal Site:

           ORCID: 0000-0002-7295-2997

               NUMBER OF                  NUMBER OF                  NATIONALITY OF
               REFERENCES                  AUTHORS                       AUTHOR
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