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            60   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
               Sadr  al-Din  Mohammad                 volumes  of  his  Asfar  are
            Shirazi  (1571-1640),  known              dedicated to man and his soul,
            as  Sadr  al-Mutallehin  and              and  in  the  rest  volumes  he
            Mulla Sadra, is a great Shiite            also discusses man.
            philosopher and the owner of                 The  main  issue  of  the
            the  philosophical  school  of            article  is  that  according  to
            “Transcendent  Theosophy”.                Sadra's  opinions,  what  the
            Mulla      Sadra     studied     in       criticisms  of  Chopra's  views
            Isfahan and Sheikh Bahai and              on  man  and  his  relationship
            Mirdamad  were  his  most                 with God are?
            prominent  teachers.  Great
            scholars  like  Faiz  Kashani             Theoretical Foundations and
            and  Fayaz  Lahiji  are  among            Research Background
            his  students.  Valuable  works           One  of  the  branches  of
            have  been  left  by  Mulla               philosophy        is     ontology
            Sadra,      including      “Asfar         studying the nature of essence
            Arbaa”  and  “Tafsir  al-Qu'an            and  the  structure  of  reality.
            al-Karim”.                                (Jacob, 2003: 19)
               Among         the       Islamic           Ontology  is  a  recognized
            philosophers, Mulla Sadra has             science  in  philosophy;  The
            paid  special  attention  to              study of what exists and what
            psychology, the truth, and the            must  be  assumed  to  exist  to
            place of man in the Universe,             achieve        a      convincing
            as  well  as  his  relationship           description        of      reality.
            with the Almighty God, to the             (Guarino, 1996: 258)
            extent  that  he  has  based                 The position of man in the
            transcendental  wisdom  on                Universe  and  the  relationship

            four  spiritual  journeys  of             between       man      and     the
            man,  (Mulla  Sadra,  1981,               Almighty  God  is  one  of  the
            Vol.  1:  13)  and  at  least  two        topics  of  ontology,  and  it  is
            volumes  out  of  the  nine               one  of  the  most  important
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