Page 109 - Pure Life 37
P. 109
108 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
22. Salvation from Misleading and even above them in terms
The other consequences of of material gifts.
faith and righteous deeds, Fadl Allah in “Min Wahi
which can be understood by al-Qur’an” has considered its
referring to the meaning of realization in this world and
the verse, are the salvation of the inequality of a corrupt
the righteous believer from ruler and a righteous ruler in
error, which is mentioned in managing the affairs of the
the 227th verse of Surah nation and its servants as an
“Shu'ara” and they will interpretation of this verse.
happen in this world. (Ref: Fadlallah, 1998, Vol. 19: 256)
23. Condemning Oppression 25. Non-Equality to Evildoers
Over Others Verse 58th from Surah
In the 24th verse of Surah “Ghafir” points to another
“Sad”, righteous believers are result of faith in addition to
excluded from those who righteous deeds. Many commentators
oppress their partner in the consider the realization of this
relationship. This result can consequence in the afterlife;
be realized in this world. But some of them argue that
believers and righteous people
24. Non-Equality of a Righteous are not equal in God's sight.
Believer with an Evil-doer (Ref: Maghniyah, 2005,
This is mentioned in the 28th Vol. 6: 463)
verse of Surah “Sad”, as one Some interpreters have
of the types of evidence of the mentioned an evil fate in this
Day of Resurrection. Most world and the hereafter for
commentators consider its evildoers, and the occurrence
realization on the Day of of a blessed fate in both
Reckoning. In this world, worlds is considered for
many evildoers are on the believers as a result of faith
same level as the believers