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104 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
the people on the earth and Baydawi said that anyone
the heaven. (Ref: Kashani, 1957, who feels remorse in addition
Vol. 5: 442; Tusi, 1986, Vol. 7: to faith and righteous deeds
154; Shukani, 1993, Vol. 3: 417) can expect and achieve
salvation. (Ref: Baydawi, 1997)
8. Excellent Degrees
Another consequence of faith 10. Companionship with the
and righteous deeds are the Righteous
degrees of excellence outlined In the 9th verse of Surah
in the 75th verse of Surah “Ankabut”, this achievement
“Taha” which is hereinafter is mentioned, and from the
considered to be the result of viewpoint of Tabari, Qurtubi,
the perspectives of the Maybodi, Suyuti, Tayyib, Tabataba'i
following commentators. and Najafi Khomeini, it is
(Ref: Tayyib, 1999, Vol. 9: 65; considered the Hereafter result,
Tabarsi, 1993, Vol. 7: 35; and Suyuti has no idea in this
Tabari, 1991, Vol. 16: 143; regard. (Ref: Tabari, 1991,
Maybodi, 1992, Vol. 6: 158; Vol. 20: 85; Qurtubi, 1985,
Suyuti, 1984, Vol. 4: 304; Vol. 14: 329; Maybodi, 1992,
Qurtubi, 1985, Vol. 11: 227) Vol. 7: 370; Suyuti, 1984,
Vol. 5: 142; Tayyib, 1999,
9. Salvation Vol. 10: 295; Tabataba'i, 1996,
In the 67th verse of Surah Vol. 16: 104; Najafi Khomeini,
“Qasas”, different opinions 2019, Vol. 15: 239)
about salvation were presented.
For example, Abul-Futuh Razi, 11. Experience a Distinct Life
Tabarsi, Tabataba'i and Makarem and Death
Shirazi consider salvation the Another result of faith and
perfection of man. (Ref: righteous deeds that the Holy
Abul-Futuh Razi, 1988; Qur’an mentions in the 21th
Tabarsi, 1993; Tabataba'i, 1996; verse of Chapter “Jathiya” is
Makarem Shirazi, 1995) experiencing different life
and death. Abul-Futuh Razi,