Page 27 - Pure Life 37
P. 27

The Gradation and Unity of Existence… S.A. Hosseini et al (26

                       Introduction                              each of these two perceptions
                       Multiplicity  in  the  world  is          affect the human worldview?
                       based     on     differentiation.

                       According           to         the        Theoretical Foundations and
                       fundamentality  of  existence,            Research Background
                       as Mulla Sadra, the prominent             Before discussing the impacts

                       Muslim philosopher and founder            of  these  two  theories  on  the
                       of  Transcendent  Wisdom,                 human  worldview,  it  is
                       proved,  there  is  nothing               necessary  to  talk  about  the
                       except existence and it is the            theoretical foundations of the

                       fundamental reality. (Mulla Sadra,        research.
                       1981, Vol. 1: 38; Ibid, 1984: 9)             In the time of Avicenna and

                         Then      how      does     one         his     school      of    thought
                       existence differ from another?            (Peripatetic  Philosophy),  the
                       This is the main question. To             question  of  originality  and
                       reply,     there      are     two         fundamentality  of  existence

                       perceptions,     namely       The         or quiddity was not raised  in
                       Gradation  of  Existence  and             this  way  at  all  and  the  issue
                       the Unity of Existence.                   was not clear so much.  So, his

                         The      first   belongs      to        words  are  equivocal  in  this
                       philosophy, and the second is             aspect.
                       mostly attributed to mysticism,              The  philosophers  before

                       although  many  prominent                 Sohrawardi  believed  in  three
                       philosophers  also  believe  in           types  of  distinctions  among
                       that,  especially  those  who             things:

                       came  after  the  Transcendent            •  With  the  totality  of  their
                       Wisdom  of  Mulla  Sadra,                     essential parts.
                       which  was  a  true  effort  to           •  by one of their essential parts.
                       collect  philosophy,  mysticism,          •  by something extraneous to

                       and  revelation  in  one  space.              their essence, in accidental
                       So, the question is: How does                 parts. (Tabataba'i, 2011: 83)
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