Page 29 - Pure Life 37
P. 29
The Gradation and Unity of Existence… S.A. Hosseini et al (28
So, he proved that Also, the holy verse
Gradation is applied not to “There is not a thing but
essence but primarily to that its sources are with
existence because existence is Us, and We do not send it
the only original reality. down except in a known
Existence, although one simple measure”, (The Qur’an,
reality, has different longitudinal 15: 21)
levels in which the aspects of
multiplicity refer to the Implies that there is
aspects of unity, they are the another existence and another
same facts, and the difference level for everything in God's
is only in gradation. sources and that this notable
It seems that some verses position of things is the
of the Qur’an also talk about lowest level of them. Other
the gradation of existence. verses imply the same
For example, Almighty Allah meaning.
said: The result of Gradation is
“It is Allah who has that multiplicity and unity of
created seven heavens and things both exist in reality,
of the earth [a number] and there is no contradiction
similar to them. The command among them; But unity
gradually descends through returns to multiplicity, and
them”. (The Qur’an, 65: 12) multiplicity returns to unity.
On the other hand, the
So, the descending of Unity of Existence means that
command among them refers existence and being are
to levels of existence for confined to one individual,
these things, and there is a i.e., God. God's existence is
special system among them. so absolute and infinite that
He filled the reality Himself,
and there is no space for any