Page 37 - Pure Life 37
P. 37

The Gradation and Unity of Existence… S.A. Hosseini et al (36

                         extended  the  shadow?”.                   -  Also,  “He  is  the  living
                         (The Qur’an, 25: 45)                       One,  the  All-sustainer”.
                                                                    (The Qur’an, 2: 255)
                         According  to  this  theory,
                       there  is  no  chance  for                3. Devine Unity in Creation
                       gradation  in  existence  since           The two theories differ in their
                       existence     has    only     one         interpretation and explanation

                       referent,  and  gradation  needs          of creation as an act of God.
                       different referents.                      The  Theory  of  Gradation

                                                                 interprets  it  as  Emanation;
                       2. Devine Unity in Attributes             But according to the theory of
                       According  to  the  theory  of            Unity of Existence, the creation
                       Graduation  of  Existence,  all           of  God  is  nothing  but  a

                       contingents  enjoy  different             manifestation,  because  the
                       attributes    like     existence,         others do not exist in fact, so
                       knowledge,  power,  life,  etc.           it  is  impossible  to  attribute

                       The  difference  between  them            creation to them, and there is
                       and  God  is  in  their  level  of        no system of cause and effect
                       enjoyment. However, according             according  to  this  theory.  So,

                       to  the  Unity  of  Existence,            there      is    an      act     of
                       their   attributes     are    also        manifestation  from  God  as  a
                       nothing except manifestations             demand  for  His  attributes.
                       of God’s attributes. Hence, all           (Mulla  Sadra,  1984:  53-54;

                       attributes of perfection belong           Imam Khomeini, 2010: 300)
                       to God and He is the one who                 On  the  Day  of  Judgment,
                       deserves  all  praise,  as  the           the multiplicity will disappear

                       Qur’an states,
                                                                 as     a    result    of    God’s
                         -  “All  Parise  belongs  to            appearance,  as  the  Holy

                         Allah”. (The Qur’an, 1: 2)              Qur’an states,
                                                                    “To      whom      does     the
                                                                    sovereignty  belong  today?
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