Page 33 - Pure Life 37
P. 33

The Gradation and Unity of Existence… S.A. Hosseini et al (32

                         The verse proves that He is             God  alone,  and  other  things
                       the  one,  and  His  arrogance            are only manifestations of this
                       and  superiority  conquer  all            Ultimate  Being.  Hence,  it  is

                       others.  So,  his  unity  and             said  that  “There  is  no  God
                       loneliness  are  so  powerful             but Allah” is the monotheism
                       that  it  does  not  allow  us  to        of  common  people;  But  “No

                       suppose  that  the  second  is            Existence  but  Allah”  is  the
                       similar  to  Him.  Thus,  others          monotheism  of  elite  and
                       cannot  exist  by  His  side  and         special people.
                       share some of His attributes.                Quoted  from  Imam  Baqir,

                         Imam  Ali  has  stated  that            Jabir said:
                       the night before the Battle of               “There  was  God  and

                       Badr,  He  saw  Khidr  in  His               nothing else... It’s like that
                       dream. He said to Khidr:                     today and will be forever”.
                         “Teach  me  something  by                  (Ibid: 141)
                         which  I  can  be  victorious

                         over the  enemies. He  said,               The Hadith is so clear that
                         Say:  O  who  exists,  and              it denies thingness except for
                         there is no existence except            God, and thingness is identical

                         Him.  When  I  woke  up,  I             to existence, as proved in Islamic
                         told the  whole story  to the           philosophy.  So,  the  Hadith
                         Holy  Prophet  (PBUH).  He              denies  existence  except  for

                         said,  You  have  taught  the           God.  It  means  that  existence
                         great name of God (Esm-e-               is  confined  to  God,  which  is
                         A’azam).  So,  this  sentence           the  theory  of  the  Unity  of

                         was  continuously  on  my               Existence.
                         tongue  on  the  day  of                   Another important keyword
                         Badr”. (Saduq, 1977: 89)                is  human  worldview.  The
                                                                 Oxford  Reference  defines

                         According to this narration,            worldview as:
                       the  real  existence  belongs  to
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