Page 35 - Pure Life 37
P. 35

The Gradation and Unity of Existence… S.A. Hosseini et al (34

                       talked  about  the  gradation  in            -  An  introduction  to  the
                       quiddity.                                    Islamic      worldview       by
                         Different  philosophers  and               renowned Muslim philosopher,

                       thinkers researched the worldview            Martyr Motahhari contains
                       but their research angles were               five parts, namely Man and
                       different from the perspective               Faith, Monotheistic Worldview,

                       of  this  paper.  Some  of  them             Revelation and Prophethood,
                       are mentioned below:                         Human  in  the  Qur’an,
                         -  Gulfam  and  Rezapoor                   Society  and  History,  and
                         discussed  the  Law  of                    Eternal Life. The perspective

                         Causality  i.e.,  cause  and               is general, not the impacts of
                         effect,  and  its  role  in                any  specific  philosophical

                         explaining the acts of God.                theory  on  the  worldview.
                         The  act  of  God,  in  their              (Motahhari, 2005)
                         opinion,  is  nothing  but  a
                         manifestation of him. Then                 -      Worldview          from

                         they  discussed  the  impacts              Materialism  to  Mysticism
                         of  this  theory  on  human                by  Shadi  Faqih  discusses
                         worldview  on  different                   types      of     worldviews,

                         levels, which is close to the              mentions  the  points  that
                         topic of this paper. (Golfam               distinguish      one      from
                         & Rezapoor, 2023)                          another,  and  discusses  the
                                                                    true  Mystic  worldview.
                         -  Abbod  discussed  the                   (Faqih, 2002)
                         divine  worldview  from  the
                         perspective  of  motivations               - The History of a Concept

                         and approaches. This perspective           by      Naugle       conceives
                         is  a  discussion  about                   Christianity as a worldview
                         methods  of  research  about               and  discusses  the  history

                         worldview. (Abbod, 2012)                   and contemporary use of it
                                                                    as an approach to faith and
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