Page 44 - Pure Life 37
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                       43  /    International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       Conclusion                                   He  is  the  only  real  and
                       Gradation      or    Unity      of        effective     agent      in    this
                       Existence  are  two  main                 universe, as all others require
                       theories in Islamic philosophy            Him in their essence, attributes,

                       and mysticism to interpret the            and actions. According to this
                       multiplicity  of  things  in  this        theory, the creation of God is
                       world.  The  Gradation  of                nothing except manifestation,

                       Existence accepts the plurality           and there is gradation among
                       of existence and puts them in             them.
                       different  levels,  from  the                The theory of the Gradation

                       lowest  level  to  the  highest           of Existence explains creation
                       level  (God),  as  they  differ           as  Emanation  and  considers
                       from each other in the level of           all low levels of existence as

                       enjoyment  from  existence  in            copulative  existences  of  the
                       terms     of     strength     and         highest level (God).
                       weakness; While the Unity of                 Both theories have different
                       Existence       believes      that        ethical  aspects,  as  the  lowest

                       existence is confined to God,             level of existence is always in
                       as His existence is unlimited,            need of the highest level, and

                       and      all      others       are        the  manifestations  have  no
                       manifestations  of  that  one             type of independence compared
                       being.                                    to the only existence.
                         These  two  theories  have

                       several impacts on the human
                       worldview in different aspects,
                       as  the  theory  of  Unity  of

                       Existence proves monotheism
                       more  purely,  as  God  is  the
                       only  existence  and  He  is

                       outside  of  the  system  of
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