Page 45 - Pure Life 37
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The Gradation and Unity of Existence… S.A. Hosseini et al (44

                       Acknowledgment                            without  the  financial  support
                       This paper is derived from the            of     any      institution      or
                       Ph.D. dissertation, entitled “A           organization.

                       Study  and  Analysis  of  the
                       Emanation  of  Plurality  from            Author Contributions
                       Unity based on the Perspective            The  corresponding  author,

                       of   some      New     Sadrians,          has the main role in all stages,
                       namely Mirza Mahdi Ashtiani,              from  study  conception  and
                       Imam  Khomeini,  Allamah                  design, data collection, analysis,
                       Tabataba'i and Misbah Yazdi”,             and interpretation of results to

                       as  well  as  the  verses  and            manuscript  preparation.  The
                       traditions.  I  am  thankful  to          second author, as a supervisor,

                       the  supervisor,  Dr.  Rezapoor           has  reviewed  the  manuscript
                       and  Dr.  Hamadani  for  their            critically  and  helped  enrich
                       contribution to the enrichment            the content of this article with
                       of  this  article,  as  well  as  to      his useful and fruitful advice.

                       the reviewers of the Pure Life            The      third     author     also
                       Journal  for  directing  me  to           contributed to  the  conception
                       valuable points.                          and       revision      of     the
                                                                 manuscript  and  played  an
                       Funding                                   important role in checking the
                       The authors have no affiliation           philosophical  terms  in  the

                       with  any  organization  with  a          English language.
                       direct  or  indirect  financial              Therefore, all authors have
                       interest  in  the  subject  matter        reviewed  the  results  and
                       discussed  in  the  manuscript.           approved the  final version of

                       So,  this  study  was  done               the manuscript.
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