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                       50   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       Introduction                              different perspective, drawing
                       Personal  identity  is  a  subject        upon  the  teachings  of  the
                       that     delves      into      the        Qur’an  and  the  intellectual
                       philosophical  inquiries  that            contributions       of     Islamic

                       arise concerning our existence            thinkers.  Accordingly,  they
                       as     human       beings.       It       have  managed  to  provide
                       encompasses  a  multitude  of             comprehensive and satisfactory

                       questions  that  are  pondered            responses,  not  only  to  the
                       by  nearly  all  individuals:             aforementioned  questions  but
                       What  defines  my  essence?               also to other related inquiries.

                       When  did  my  existence                     Noticeably, these discussions
                       commence?  Who  am  I  at  the            fall  within  the  realm  of
                       core?  What  will  become  of             metaphysics,       encompassing

                       me upon my demise?                        concepts  that  extend  beyond
                         Throughout  history,  these             the  boundaries  of  human
                       questions have been extensively           imagination,  such  as  the  pre-
                       explored by various philosophers          life and post-life existence.

                       and  religious  traditions,  each            In  this  article,  we  will
                       offering  distinct  responses             delve into some topics within

                       that  have  shaped  the  lives  of        Islamic       philosophy       and
                       their  followers  accordingly.            Qur’anic teachings, specifically
                       However, Western philosophy               exploring  the  perspective  of
                       has thus  far failed to provide           the Misbah Yazdi to shed light

                       conclusive  answers  to  these            on  the  nature  of  human
                       inquiries,  as  the  multitude  of        identity.
                       ideas put forth only serves to               Misbah  Yazdi  possessed  a

                       highlight its inherent limitations.       profound  understanding  of
                         On  the  opposite  side,  the           Mulla Sadra's philosophy and
                       Islamic  tradition  and  Islamic          Islamic knowledge. His works,

                       philosophy  have  approached              characterized by their simplicity
                       these    questions      with     a        and accessibility, have resonated
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