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                       52   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       Enlightenment,  the  issue  of               Despite being deeply rooted
                       human      identity     and     its       in Islamic philosophy, Misbah
                       associated concerns continued             Yazdi's profound understanding
                       to  be  a  central  focus  in  both       of  Islam  has  enabled  him  to

                       pre-modern  and  postmodern               present  novel  viewpoints  in
                       periods.  Western  philosophy             response  to  advancements  in
                       struggled     to    provide      a        empirical  sciences.  He  does

                       satisfactory  response  to  these         not  seek  to  negate  the
                       inquiries;     While      Islamic         accomplishments of experimental
                       philosophy  thrived  under  the           sciences  but  emphasizes  the

                       guidance of Misbah Yazdi.                 separation  between  the  realm
                         Misbah       Yazdi      notable         of  identity  and  the  human
                       achievement lay in his ability            soul.

                       to  reconcile  philosophical                 It is crucial to acknowledge
                       approaches with the teachings             the  most  significant  literary
                       of  the  Qur’an.  He  prioritized         works      concerning      human
                       the  soul  over  the  body,               identity  and  elucidate  their

                       defining      human        beings         shortcomings           in       the
                       primarily  in  terms  of  their           following:

                       soul rather than their physical              - “A Dialogue on Personal
                       body  or  the  combination  of               Identity  and  Immortality”,
                       the two.                                     authored by Perry in 1978,
                         The existence of the human                 exemplifies scholarly precision

                       soul  serves  as  a  crucial                 and  thoroughness  in  its
                       element in resolving numerous                exploration  of  the  subject
                       problems  of  human  identity.               matter.

                       However, this article does not
                       delve  into  the  evidence                   -  Perry  in  “Personal
                       supporting  the  existence  of               Identity”, published in 2008,

                       the  human  soul  from  Misbah               brings       together        the
                       Yazdi's perspective.                         invaluable  contributions  of
                                                                    esteemed philosophers from
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