Page 52 - Pure Life 37
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Personal Identity in… Sh. Vahidi Mehrajardi et al (51

                       with  many  individuals.  As  a           regarding the nature of human

                       contemporary  philosopher,  his           beings from diverse perspectives.
                       discussions  often  intersect             Notable  diagrams  such  as
                       with  the  themes  explored  in           Thales, Heraclitus, Pythagoras,

                       Western  philosophy.  Despite             Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Ibn
                       he  is  known  in  Iran,  only  a         Sina, Mulla Sadra, Descartes,
                       few  of  his  works  have  been           Spinoza,  Kant,  John  Locke,

                       translated into English, resulting        Schopenhauer,  Hume,  and
                       in  limited  familiarity  among           William  have  all  contributed
                       English readers.                          to  this  discourse.  Many  of
                         Thus,  this  article  will  not         these  philosophers  held  the

                       attempt  to  encompass  the               belief  in  the  existence  of  the
                       entirety of Western philosophers'         soul within mankind.
                       ideas. Instead, it will provide              However,  during  the  Age

                       a  summary  derived  from  the            of  Enlightenment,  a  period
                       personal  identity  entry  in  the        characterized  by  intellectual
                       “Stanford  Encyclopedia  of               and philosophical advancements

                       Philosophy”. This entry, known            in Europe during the 17th and
                       for    its   conciseness      and         18th centuries, the metaphysical
                       comprehensive  compilation,               aspect  of  human  beings  was

                       serves as a valuable resource,            rejected.  Consequently,  the
                       with  all  quotations  from               existence  of  the  soul  was
                       Western  philosophers  being              denied,  and  human  beings

                       sourced  from  it,  albeit  with          were  solely  interpreted  in
                       necessary modifications. (Ref:            terms of their physical bodies;
                       Olson, 2022)                              Even      the     intellect    and

                                                                 emotions  of  human  beings
                       Theoretical Foundations and               were  considered  functions  of
                       Research Background                       the brain rather than the soul.
                       Throughout history, numerous                 Despite the rejection of the

                       renowned  philosophers  have              soul  during  the  Age  of
                       engaged in extensive discussions
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