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                       74  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       Introduction                              in Allah (SWT), His oneness,
                       Ethical  principles  are  people's        His  justice,  His  Messengers,
                       basic  qualities  that  help  hold        and  the  day  of  Judgment.

                       the  fabric  of  society  together.       However,       s/he   might     be
                       In  other  words,  they  are              influenced      by    non-Islamic
                       standards  of  right  and  wrong          lifestyles derived from Western

                       that  a  person  or  group  may           culture.  Believing  in  Islamic
                       have. They can be passed down             doctrines but following a non-
                       to us by our family and peers,            Islamic lifestyle might lead man

                       dictated  by  society  or  religion,      toward an identity crisis.  Hence,
                       and certainly changed throughout          there  is  a  binding  adaptability
                       our  lives,  depending  on  our           and harmony between believing

                       experiences.  We  live  in  a             and  protecting  Islamic  moral
                       contemporary  world  where                principles,  deduced  from  the
                       various  lifestyles  due  to              fundamental       doctrines      of

                       Western  culture  and  welfare            Islam,  and  behaving  on  their
                       facilitate  us  to  find  different       basis  in  life  to  avoid  the
                       options  in  opting  for  our             probable       identity      crisis

                       lifestyles.  Contrary  to  the            (Obead & Ali, 2023).
                       ancient  era  when  Muslims                  By  utilizing  library  research,
                       followed      one     determined          descriptive      analysis,     and
                       lifestyle  and  had  no  various          analytical approaches, this study

                       choices for their  way of living,         comprehensively         examines
                       they  can  nowadays  choose  the          the impacts of religious ethics
                       way  of  life  based  on  Islamic         principles  on  the  individual

                       teachings, ethical principles, and        lifestyle  and  tries  to  adapt

                       moral systems (Ref: Ebrahimi &            them in the contemporary era.
                       Kamaruzaman, 2017).                       Although  diverse  aspects  of

                         However,       some      people         individuals’  lives  could  be
                       behave  based  on  a  lifestyle           included      in    the     study's
                       similar  to  Western  culture             examination, it investigates how

                       dominating parts of the world.            the mentioned principles impact
                       As  fundamental  principles  of           some prominent  elements, e.g.,
                       Islam,  every  Muslim  believes
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