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                       76  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                          3.  Individual Lifestyle                   5.  Soul Control
                       It  reflects  an  individual's            Soul Control is the ability  to

                       attitudes,  way  of  life,  values,       manipulate  the  properties  of
                       or  worldview.  Therefore,  a             souls. In other words, it is the
                       lifestyle is a means of forging           ability  to  regulate  one's

                       a  sense  of  self  and  creating         emotions,       thoughts,      and
                       cultural  symbols  that  resonate         behavior  in  the  face  of
                       with      personal       identity.        temptations  and  impulses

                       Lifestyle  is  the  interests,            (Ref: Diamond, 2013).
                       opinions,     behaviors,      and
                       behavioral  orientations  of  an          Research Background
                                                                 Various  books  and  articles
                       individual,  group,  or  culture
                       (Ref: Lynn & Angeline, 2011).             might be found in this respect,
                                                                 some  of  which  come  as
                          4.  Theocentrism                       follows:
                       Theocentrism is a philosophical
                       and theological perspective that              1.  International Sources
                       places God at the center of all           Makarim al-Akhlāq written by

                       understanding  and  reality.  In          Ṭabarsī,  in  which  the  author
                       this  view,  God  is  the  primary        intended to recount a bit of the
                       focus of existence, meaning that          praised     morality     of    the

                       all human activities, beliefs, and        Prophet  and  Imams  (PBUT)
                       values should be oriented around          their  states,  actions,  manners
                       divine principles  and  authority.        in    sitting    and     standing,

                       Theocentrism  contrasts  with             journey  and  home,  and  other
                       anthropocentrism,          which          issues  in  this  regard  for
                       centers on human beings as the            education  and  the  life  of

                       most  significant  entities  in  the      people (Ref: Ṭabarsī, 1972).
                       universe.                                     Thawāb al-Aʿmāl wa ʿIqāb
                         Essentially,      theocentrism          al-Aʿmāl  written  by  Shaykh
                       emphasizes that God’s will and            Ṣadūq,  in  which  the  author

                       nature     are      central     to        mentioned  Islamic  hadiths
                       understanding life and morality           describing  right  and  wrong

                       (Ref: Hoffman & Sandelands, 2005).        deeds  and  their  spiritual
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