Page 80 - Pure Life 38
P. 80

An Analysis of the Impacts of Religious Ethics Principles … M. Askarinejad et al (79

                       that  lay  aside  Allah  (SWT)                2.  Maʿād (Resurrection)
                       from  the  center.  In  this              Maʿād  is  one  of  the  roots  of

                       respect,     Almighty       Allah         faith  in  Islam  and  means  the
                       (SWT) repeatedly said,                    return  of  people  after  death
                                 “Allah—there  is  no            into life on Qiyamah (the Day

                              god  except  Him—is  the           of  Judgment).  Believing  in
                              Living  One,  the  All-            resurrection  also  grants  man  a
                              sustainer.         Neither         specific perspective and manner

                              drowsiness  befalls  Him           of living in which everyone is
                              nor  sleep.  To  Him               required to be responsible for
                              belongs  whatever  is  in          his/her  actions  on  the  Day  of

                              the      heavens       and         Judgment.  Happiness  in  the
                              whatever is on the earth”          hereafter is not achievable by
                              (The Qur’an, 2: 255).              merely  believing  in  Almighty
                         Theocentrism            requires        Allah     (SWT),       rather    it

                       believing in the Holy Qur’an, The         requires believing in Maʿād in
                       Lord,  and His  messenger whose           which everyone will find reward

                       mission  was  to  purify  people’s        or punishment. There are various
                       morality  to  achieve  happiness          forms  of  understanding  for
                       (Noori, 1988, Vol.11: 187).               resurrection  in  Christianity,
                         Thus, contrary to polytheism,           Islam,  and  Judaism,  but  as  a

                       materialism,  and  other  schools         commonality,  individuals  are
                       of  thought  that  do  not  restrict      brought  back  to  life  to  meet
                       man  to  a  particular  way  of           the  consequences  of  their

                       living, believing in Allah (SWT)          deeds during their lifetime.
                       obligates  man  to  consider  His            The fundamental sources in
                       commands  in  lifestyle.  The             Islam  are  the  Qur’an  and

                       aforementioned  schools  lead             traditions which both describe
                       man towards unlimited freedom             the Day of Judgment in which
                       and  enjoy  whatever  is  pleasant        every  person  would  be  either

                       in life.                                  rewarded or punished, as well
                                                                 as  its  signs  including  the

                                                                 destruction  of  the  universe,
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