Page 237 - Pure Life 02
P. 237

Conceptual Description of “Savior” in the Quran and the Testaments
                                   Authors: Nafiseh Moradi (Iran) , Dr. Mohammad Ali Qayyumi (Iran)
                                            Reccive: 2013/9/21                   Accept: 2014/3/19

                        Relation and need of creatures to Imamate is like the relation of all the creatures on
                        the earth to the creation of Hazrat Adam (AS) and his descendants. For this reason,
                        forming a society where no kind of “injustice” can be found and a tyrant is not
                        ruling over people’s fate has been a main challenge for human being from the past
                        till  now.  So  the  issue  of  Mehdism  has  been  raised  in  the  divine  books.  In  the
                        Testaments,  being  optimistic  for  a  bright  and  luminous  world  in  which  human
                        being has reached to all his desires and has been cleaned from the sin and has been
                        freed of all the materialistic attachments and its ugly displays and has strong belief
                        on  a  savior  which  will  fulfill  all  of  his  desires  and  needs,  can  be  seen  clearly.
                        Judaism and Christianity are waiting for the appearance of such a promised savior
                        who will hold the real justice all over the world. However, the real savior is God
                        which is  capable  and  bewared  of  everything.  In  this  paper,  an  attempt  has  been
                        made  to  explain  briefly  this  issue  that  how  the  savior  of  humanity  has  been
                        described in the main religions.

                        Keywords: Savior, Gospel, Quran, the Resurrection (of Mahdi)

                        1. Confirming Student Almustafa Open University,
                        2. Professor of Almustafa Open University,
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