Page 240 - Pure Life 02
P. 240

A Study of Unity of Divine Essence in the Quran and the Testaments
                                 Authors: Azadeh Kabiri (Iran) , Dr. Muhammad Ali Rezai Esfahani (Iran)
                                            Reccive: 2013/9/21                   Accept: 2014/3/19

                        A  number  of  Prophets  had  been  raised  from  the  generation  of  Hazrat  Ibrahim
                        (AS)  whose  followers  have  founded  three  main  and  alive  religions  (Judaism,
                        Christianity  and  Islam)  of  the  present  time.  The  common  thing  between  these
                        three religions is their monotheism. Followers of these religions worship the God
                        of  Ibrahim  (AS)  and  believe  Him  as  a  creator  of  them  and  the  whole  world.
                        However, when we refer to the sacred texts of Jews and Christians, we see that
                        the  concept  which  is  given  by  Torah  and  Gospel  about  God  is  completely
                        different  from  that  given  by  the  Holy  Quran  and  it  is  sometimes  polytheistic.
                        Now  this  question  arises  that  what  the  cause  of  this  inconsistency  is.  In  this
                        paper,  by  the  help  of  library  method  and  analytical–descriptive  approach,
                        principles  of  faith  of  monotheistic  religions  on  the  basis  of  unity  of  divine
                        essence have been studied and an attempt to revise the unity of divine essence in
                        the Holy Quran, unity of divine essence in the Testaments and the Holy Quran
                        approach to the Testaments regarding unity of divine essence has been made. The
                        result of this research showed that Torah and Gospel are acceptable by the Holy
                        Quran but whatever is present nowadays with their name have been distorted and
                        principles of faith contrary to monotheism have been added to them which have
                        been criticized and rejected by the Holy Quran.

                        Keywords: Unity of Divine Essence, Quran, Testaments, Torah, Gospel

                        1. Confirming Student Almustafa Open University,
                        2. Professor of Almustafa Open University,
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