Page 239 - Pure Life 02
P. 239

A comparative study of Stories in the Quran and the Testaments
                                  Authors: Faroogh Fahim (Iran) , Dr. Syed Muhammad Tabatabai (Iran)
                                            Reccive: 2013/9/21                   Accept: 2014/3/19

                        The religion of Islam and the monotheistic religions of Judaism and Christianity,
                        each of them have a sacred book which is the basis of faith of the followers of
                        these  religions.  Words  are  the  messengers  of  meanings  and  they  like  the  holy
                        prophets are dependent on their environment, traditions, customs and their fields
                        of duty in this messaging. Collection of words and phrases that chase a specific
                        purpose and illustrate some particular events in the past or explain an occasion
                        are  called  a  story  or  storytelling.  Storytelling  and  its  creation  have  roots  in
                        innovation,  thriving  and  genesis  of  human  being,  his  primary  community  and
                        very initial traditions. The art of storytelling has also been recognized by Islam
                        and  is  significantly  exercised  nearly  in  all  divine  books  especially  the  Holy
                        Quran. So, Quranic tales have abundant commonalities with the Old Testament,
                        especially in the stories of Prophets, but the pattern of narration of Holy Quran is
                        different from the Bible.

                        Keywords: Stories, Quran, Testaments, Religions

                        1. Confirming Student Almustafa Open University,
                        2. Professor of Almustafa Open University,
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