Page 22 - Pure Life 04
P. 22

Management in Quran /21

                  We can clearly see the example of justice even with the
               non-Muslims.  Overall,  justice  is  considered  as  one  of  the
               judicial and managerial feature.
                  After  faith,  trustworthy  and  justice,  there  comes  the
               kindness. Even  God says in  (The Quran, n. d., verse  159)
               that O’ Muhammad, it is a great Mercy of Allah that you are
               very gentle with them; had you been rough or hard-hearted,
               they would have deserted you.
                  Therefore pardon them and ask Allah's forgiveness for
               them.  Consult  them  in  the  conduct  of  affairs;  and  when
               you make a decision to do something, and then put your
               trust  in  Allah  (hold  fast  to  your  decision).  Allah  loves
               those who put their trust in Him".

                َكِلْوَح ْنِم اوُْضَفْناَل ِبْلَقْلا   َظيِلَغ اًّظَف َتْنُك ْوَلَو ْمُهَل َتْنِل ِهَّللا َنِم ٍةَمْحَر اَمِبف "

                َهَّللا َّنِإ ِهَّللا ىَلَع ْلَّكَوَتَف َتْمَزَع اَذِإَف ِرْمَأْلا يِف ْمُهْرِواَشَو ْمُهَل ْرِفْغَتْساَو ْمُهْنَع ُفْعاَف
                                         " َنيِلِّكَوَتُمْلا ُْبِحُي

                   God  has  directed  us  to  be  kind  towards  others,
               especially  for  a  leader  of  Islamic  government.  We  can
               learn from the prophet Mohammad (saw) about being kind
               to everyone. He even visited the old women who used to
               through  dirt  on  him.  Resulted  in  old  women  embraced
               Islam,  therefore  kindness  indicated  the  high  position  of
               someone caliber.
                  God has created rights for all, asked us to be kind to our
               parents,  our  children’s,  our  wives,  our  sisters,  our
               brothers,  our  grandparents,  our  relatives  and  our
               neighbors.  Prophet  Mohammad  (saw)  was  a  very  nice,
               kind and social man. He used be kind with everyone and
               used to forgive people easily with his kindness. Therefore
               Muslim manager should be kind to all people living under
               his rule.
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