Page 26 - Pure Life 04
P. 26

Management in Quran /25

               Review  of  Imam  Ali’s  letter  to  Malik  e  Ashtar
               regarding managing a state
               Imam  Ali  (as)  in  his  letter  of  instruction  to  Malik  e
               Ashtar in (Nahjulbalagah, Letter No. 53) advised Malik
               to be wise and kind to all. Imam Ali reminded Malik e
               Ashtar  that  “amongst  the  public  there  are  two  kinds  of
               people: those who have the same religion as you do; they
               are  brothers  to  you  in  religion,  and  those  who  have
               religions other than that of yours, they are human beings
               like you.
                  So let your mercy and compassion come to the rescue
               and help of both groups in the same way and to the same
               extent  that  you  expect  Allah  to  show  mercy  and
               forgiveness to you”.

               We can lay our conclusion that Quran has talked about the
               importance  of  management  and  need  of  manager  to
               manage the people.
                  It  is  been  clearly  understood  from  various  Surah’s,
               prophet Mohammad (saw) life example and Imam Ali (as)
               teaching that management is necessary according to Quran
               and Sunnah. It is obvious that in our current society, there
               is a need of powerful, knowledgeable, wiser and creative
               leader to manage us in order to survive in the competitive
                  In  considering  the  objectives  of  the  society,  Islamic
               manager must not forget his Islamic goals which were the
               base  of  his  government.  Proper  strategies  should  be
               adopted  by  the  management  to  ensure  that  only  salient
               aspects that require change are implemented.
                  Next  generation  should  be  trained  so  that  they  are
               appointed as managers in the future.
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