Page 139 - Pure Life 07
P. 139

The Day of Ashura: A Microcosm of the Human Condition / 97

                     The author of the article  forces  readers  to self-
                  reflect: “[Does Imam Hussain not] address us too?
                  Are  we  not  included  in  ‘people’?  Should  we  not
                  profit  from  this  address  of  Imam  Hussain?”
                  Through the message of Imam Hussain, one learns
                  to stand against oppression. Silence, or indifference
                  is  equal to supporting the oppressors. One cannot
                  turn  a  blind  eye  for  the  sake  of  comfort  in  this
                  world, but must choose the principles that are the
                  pillars for the institution of humanity. There is no
                  soul that will choose to return to Allah that will be
                  rejected from the shelter of his mercy.
                     Whether  through  the  sword  or  the  pen,  every
                  human  being  has  their  individual  role  in  creating
                  history. It is indisputable that every person will be
                  accounted  for  their  choices.  Imam  Hussain’s
                  message  has  become  “influential  and  active
                  element  in  its  human  environment”  which  is  not
                  confined by space or time.”

                  1.  "The  Sermon  of  Mina,
                  2.  "Merits  of  the  Soul,
                  To seek forgiveness or tawbah, “means return to the soul's initial
                  spiritu’Ality  after  the  light  of  its  human  nature  (fitrah)  and  its
                  spirit has been covered by the darkness of sins and disobedience.”
                  3.  Shams  Ad-Din  Al-Amili,
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