Page 142 - Pure Life 07
P. 142


                  94  PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.7, (Safar Al-Muzaffar 1438. Azar 1395. November 2016)

                     Lady Zainab, through her words, proved herself
                  as standing on the side of truth, and preserved the
                  message of Imam Hussain today. Remembrance of
                  Imam Hussain was instituted through “encouraging
                  the  composition  and  recitation  of  poetry…[by]
                  holding      special      for
                  gatherings  and  meetings  to  be...dedicated  to  the
                  study of the events…[and] by the institution of the
                  ritual of pilgrimage (ziyara).”
                     It is clear that Imam Hussain’s message has been
                  kept  alive  through  truthful  words  and  through
                  action. The lovers of Hussain do not sit idle in their
                  grief,  but  remembers  Imam  Hussain  through
                  seeking to stand up for the oppressed and speaking
                  out against injustices like Lady Zainab. She “spoke
                  very  eloquently...laid  the  facts  bare  before  the
                  people  [and  in  turn]  deprived  their  enemies  from
                  altering history.”
                     This is another prime example of how history is not
                  always  made  in  swift  blows.  It  was  the  individual
                  hearts  that  were  softened  by  hearing  such  tragedies
                  that came together and chose to remember and mourn
                  the Day of Ashura. History always forces the truth to
                  come to sight.

                  1.  Shams  Ad-Din  Al-Amili,
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